
One of the most widely celebrated holidays in the Jewish calendar,Pesach commemorates the exodus from Egypt, the journey towards redemption, and our personal paths as we move toward freedom. Find valuable resources in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish below.

Celebrated with the Passover Seder, an organized meal, we tell the story of the exodus, the trials and tribulations of the people, the rabbinic interpretations of the text, and seek to find ourselves amidst the story.

In 2024/5784, the first night of Passover begins Monday evening, April 22nd, and concludes (for those in the diaspora) on Tuesday night, April 30th.

(from Exploring Judaism)


Masorti and MERCAZ Olami Executive Director Rabbi Mauricio Balter shares the importance of celebrating the festival of freedom keeping in mind those kidnapped by Hamas on October 7th. Click on the player below to watch his message. (with English subtitles)

Members of our Masorti/Conservative communities around the world share their favorite Passover tradition in their communities and families. Click on the player to watch. (subtitles in English)


Abayudaya Pesach Campaign

Current Denver Jewish Day School senior students Maya Friedlander, Mia Wexler, and Megan Coughlan are generously fundraising money for matzah, wine and other Passover essentials for the Abayudaya Jewish communities in Uganda, in collaboration with Masorti Olami.

The Abayudaya (Luganda word for people of Judah) community is comprised of over 2,500 members spread among 11 villages and centers across eastern Uganda and northern Kenya.

Through Masorti Olami, we have been able to secure a supplier for matzah and wine, among other products, but we need your help.

🩵 Learn more and donate today

Ukraine Purim/Pesach Appeal

This Pesach, Masorti Olami calls upon all our friends and supporters worldwide to give generously to a special joint campaign we are running together with The Schechter Institutes for our communities in Ukraine.

Our Ukrainian Masorti/Conservative communities continue to struggle with the repercussions of the ongoing war, which began in 2022, and the needs are changing and growing daily.

We have compiled the most urgent needs shared with us by our representatives in the communities in the country where the donations will be sent.

🩵 Find out more and make a donation



🌐 Exploring Judaism

Exploring Judaism's 2024 (5784) Passover Reader, Not A Haggadah, includes essays to inspire and help you prepare for the holiday and enhance your seder experience.

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🌐 Exploring Judaism

"The Pesach seder is, for many Jews, the most important ritual feast of the year. Indeed, recent studies indicate that more Jews observe the Passover seder than almost any other aspect of Jewish ritual life".

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🌐 Exploring Judaism

"With so many rituals and traditions, lots of Hebrew, and family and friends of many different backgrounds, engaging children (and adults) of all ages in the Passover Seder can feel daunting. Maybe it is just best to finish as fast as you can?"

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🌐 Exploring Judaism

"On seder night, we embark on a holy commemorative journey through the Haggadah as we move spiritually and temporally from degradation to praise. We do not merely recount by rote our journey out of Mitzrayim, Egypt, out of the narrowness to a wide expanse, but we engage in holy reenactment of the experience".

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🌐 Exploring Judaism

"We ourselves were there, enslaved by a tyrant in Egypt. This means that when we see someone in our own time suffering from discrimination, dehumanization, or persecution, we must fight for their dignity, because we know in our flesh and in our hearts what it is like to be where they are now".

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🌐 Rabbinical Assembly

The Rabbinical Assembly Pesah guide outlines the policies and procedures relevant to the preparation of a kosher for Pesah home in accordance with the principles of Conservative Judaism's understanding of Jewish Law. 

📑Download the document

🌐 Masorti Judaism in the UK

Beyond the Object: Pesach crockery

"It is such a glorious over-the-top celebration of Passover. The cups and saucers are finished in shocking pink lustre glaze. They have Hebrew characters on them saying ‘Chag HaPesach’ surrounded by gilded roses. The crockery is early 20thcentury Austro-Hungarian in origin. They obviously belonged to an affluent European Jewish family who liked decorative objects in their home".

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🌐 Exploring Judaism

Le contenu spécial d'Exploring Judaism en français comprend « Pessah à la synagogue », « Le Seder : Un Aperçu », «La Cacherout de Pessah », « Qu’est-ce que Hamets ? » et « Thèmes de la Pessah et du jeûne des premiers-nés ».

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🌐 Centre Communautaire Adath Shalom

Retrouvez dans cet article les réponses aux questions diverses posées au rabbin Josh Weiner à propos de la fête de Pessah... et n'hésitez pas à lui poser les vôtres!

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🌐 Massorti France

Pour mieux préparer le Seder de Pessah, voici diverses traditions musicales. (phonétique, hébreu, français et son)

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🌐 Massorti France

Une série de cours pour mieux comprendre la Haggadah de Pessah qui est un texte beaucoup plus compliqué qu’il en a l’air. Pour ceux qui veulent les chants de Pessah on vous propose de nombreux enregistrements.

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🌐 Comunidade Shalom

Você conhece todos os passos do Seder de Pessach? A Comunidade Shalom de São Paulo, no Brasil, compartilhou um guia rápido com cada um dos 15 passos da festa que lembra a libertação do povo hebreu do Egito.

📄Para ver o conteúdo, clique aqui e nos posts seguintes

🌐 Torá com Fritas

Neste episódio do podcast conduzido por Theo Hotz, estudante do Seminário Rabínico Schechter e membro do rabinato da Congregação Israelita Paulista, em São Paulo, e Ângela Goldstein, eles conversam sobre a festa de Pêssach, o que ela celebra, como é feita a comemoração e por que não se come farinha por uma semana inteira.

🎧Ouça o episódio


Los educadores Mishael y Noam Zion crearon una nueva versión de la Hagadá israelí, como forma de ayudar a las audiencias de habla hebrea a integrar las experiencias desafiantes de este año en sus historias del Éxodo. A medida que Pesaj se acercaba y la guerra continuaba, decidieron contribuir con copias de la nueva Hagadá israelí para las familias más afectadas por esta guerra.

La iniciativa de Mishael y Noam Zion en Jerusalem, Helen y David Raij en Montevideo, y el rabino Adrian Gottfried en São Paulo se completa con un suplemento digital en varios idiomas (español, portugués, francés y alemán) de secciones relevantes de la nueva hagadá en hebreo para tu Seder 2024, fruto de un esfuerzo conjunto con el Instituto Shalom Hartman, al que se suman Masorti Olami y la WZO. Este suplemento estará disponible simultáneamente a la donación y distribución de copias de la hagadá en Israel.

🩵Haz click aquí para sumar donación

🌐 Masorti AmLat

Masorti AmLat les ofrece una Hagadá de Pésaj que cree ayudará a todos a poder celebrar un Pésaj significativo, que servirá de guía para todos los miembros de nuestro movimiento en el próximo Seder de Pésaj.

Elaborada por los Rabinos Marcelo Rittner y Rabbi Felipe Goodman, con ilustraciones de Ricardo Radosh, fue publicada en hebreo, español y transliteración, y contiene mensajes tradicionales y modernos.

📑Descarga aquí

🌐 Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano Marshall T. Meyer

"Vivencia Pesaj de una forma profunda y renovada. Compartimos con ustedes una Hagadá moderna, dinámica y sencilla, la cual cada uno puede imprimir en su hogar para tener durante el Seder de Pesaj. La Hagadá está en fonética y en español para que nadie se quede afuera."

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🌐 Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano Marshall T. Meyer

Curso Paso a Paso del Seder de Pesaj, organizado por el Vaad Hakehilot, la Federación de Comunidades Judías de Argentina, y el Seminario Rabínico.

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🌐 Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano Marshall T. Meyer

En estos episodios de "Nuestros Jaguim", el podcast del Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano creado para seguir acercando a miles de familias judías a la vida judía, puedes conocer más sobre uno de los libros más lindos, polémicos y vibrantes del Tanaj (Biblia Hebrea). De la mano del Jazan Jonathan Kohan y del Rabino Ernesto Yattah ellos te invitam a pensar, profundizar y vivir una conversación sobre el Cantar de los Cantares.

🎧Escucha en Spotify

🌐 Exploring Judaism

El contenido especial de Exploring Judaism en español incluye “Pesaj en la Sinagoga”, “El Séder: Un Resumen”, “Kashrut en Pesaj”, “Que es Jametz?” » y “Temas de Pesaj, Nisán, y el Ayuno de los Primogénitos”.

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