Abayudaya Pesach Campaign
Current Denver Jewish Day School senior students Maya Friedlander, Mia Wexler, and Megan Coughlan are generously fundraising money for matzah, wine and other Passover essentials for the Abayudaya Jewish communities in Uganda, in collaboration with Masorti Olami. The Abayudaya (Luganda word for people of Judah) community is comprised of over 2,500 members spread among 11 villages and centers across eastern Uganda and northern Kenya. Through Masorti Olami, we have been able to secure a supplier for matzah and wine, among other products, but we need your help.
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Ukraine Purim/Pesach Appeal
This Pesach, Masorti Olami calls upon all our friends and supporters worldwide to give generously to a special joint campaign we are running together with The Schechter Institutes for our communities in Ukraine. Our Ukrainian Masorti/Conservative communities continue to struggle with the repercussions of the ongoing war, which began in 2022, and the needs are changing and growing daily. We have compiled the most urgent needs shared with us by our representatives in the communities in the country where the donations will be sent.
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We are Masorti Olami, the official International Movement of Masorti/Conservative Judaism, based in Jerusalem, Israel.


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Masorti Olami
32 General Pierre Koenig, 4th Floor
Jerusalem 93469, Israel
E: mail@masortiolami.org
T: +972 (2) 624-7106