🌾 Tikkun Leil Shavuot
An evening of study and great food: sustenance for the mind, body and spirit. This year the theme of learning will be “Freedom”. Engaging speakers, bringing the Jewish perspective, and lots of opportunities for questions and discussion. With delicious dairy delicacies for everyone to enjoy.
📅 25 May at 6:15 pm
🧀 Celebrate Shavuot at Kehilat Nitzan. Tikkun leil Shavuot, cheesecake supper, discussions, children's activities, and more.
📅 25-27 May
🌾 Soirée d’étude - Vivre sa fin de vie
Comment vivre ou accompagner la fin de vie? Doit-on accorder un droit à mettre fin à ses jours?
📅 25 Mai à 20:00
🧀 Soirée d'étude avec dîner de couscous végétarien.
📅 25 mai à 19h30
🌾 Tikkún Leil Shavuot – Noche de Estudio
Cena y sesión de estudio comunitaria.
📅 26 de Mayo después de Kabbalat Shabat
🧀 Tikkun Lail Shavuot - En natt fylld med Torah
Kom och tillbringa en studienatt som varar från solnedgång till soluppgång tillsammans med andra. Vi studerar Torah och rabbinska texter och diskuterar hela natten lång.
📅 25-26 Maj kl 9 pm
🌾 Shavuot Picknick i Parken
För 9:e året i rad kommer vi även i år samlas efter morgongudstjänsten i en närbelägen park för vårt traditionella och omåttligt populära Shavuot Picknick i Parken.
📅 26 de Maj kl 11:30 am
🧀 Tikkun shavuot för mishpachot - ett mysigt shavuotfirande för barnfamiljer
Varmt välkomna till en speciell Tikkun shavuot för barnfamiljer med Judiska Församlingen i Stockholm!
📅 27 Maj kl 3 pm
🌾 Tikkun Leyl Shavuot
All-night Tikkun Leyl Shavuot, picnic and football in the park, and services (with cheesecake kiddush).
📅 25th-27th May at 9 pm
🧀 Tikkun Leyl Shavuot
Dinner and Tikkun Leyl throughout the night on the theme of 'The Crown; power, leadership & corruption. Breakfast at dawn.
📅 25th-26th May at 6:30 pm
🌾 Tikkun Leil Shavuot - Justice, Justice You Shall Pursue
An evening of learning on the theme of "justice" with inspiring speakers, delicious nosh, amd plenty of space for discussion and debate.
📅 25th May at 9 pm
🧀 Shavuot All-Nighter
Cheese fondue supper, magic show, Torah leraning, workshop on coffee, and more.
📅 25th-26th May
🌾 Erev Shavuot Service and Tikkun Leyil Shavuot - Mountains to Climb
Community dinner, music, Jewish study and discussion, art, and more.
📅 25th-26th May at 7:30 pm
🧀 Shavuot: Diamantes turbios y la ley.
Una experiencia de encuentro + debate + cena + música + estudio.
📅 25 de mayo a las 7:40 pm
🌾 Encuentro de Shavuot del proyecto Mahut Ha Isha - espacio pensado para las mujeres analizando y vivenciando los valores de nuestro pueblo desde una perspectiva femenina.
📅 23 de Mayo a las 7:30 pm
🧀 Open Mikve Pre Shavuot
La Mikve conecta nuestros sentidos y nuestra conciencia con nuestra esencia. Es el tiempo y el lugar que nos permite renovarnos y resurgir. Cada inmersión nos hace renacer, sanando el alma, proyectando futuro. Te invitamos a vivir esta experiencia.
📅 25 de mayo a las 7:40 pm
🌾 Una noche llena de significado, espiritualidad y música unidos en comunidad junto a Fundación Pardés.
📅 25 Mayo a las 9:30 pm
🧀 Livestreamed Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Sing and bless, dig into interesting topics like character traits, Israel, and driving electric cars on Shabbat and holidays! Build online community with learners across time zones and space, while learning about Jewish community structures outside of traditional buildings, and hang by a thread as you become comfortable with what you don’t – and can’t – know.
📅 May 25th at 8 PM Eastern, 7 PM Central, 6 PM Mountain, 5 PM Pacific
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Jerusalem 93469, Israel
E: mail@masortiolami.org
T: +972 (2) 624-7106