Find valuable resources about the quintessential harvest festival that commemorates the wandering of the Jewish people in the wilderness.
📄 Lulav and Etrog: The Four Species • "Besides dwelling in a sukkah, the other significant mitzvah of Sukkot is the taking up of thearba·ah minim,literally 'the four species.'"
🌐 From Exploring Judaism
📄 What Does it Mean to Dwell in the Sukkah? • "The Torah teaches that, during the holiday of Sukkot, we are commanded to dwell in the Sukkah for the length of the holiday. At first glance, this seems like a pretty straightforward commandment.
During Sukkot, we are commanded to live in our Sukkah. But what does that really mean? And how might we embrace the essence of this commandment if we don’t have access to a Sukkah?"
🌐 From Exploring Judaism
📄 Just the Tip of the Etrog • "Reflecting on the idea that a tiny, fragile protuberance can make an entire ritual object unfit for use is absurd. Here's what it teaches us."
🌐 From Exploring Judaism
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