
Find valuable resources in English, French, Spanish and other languages about the Festival of the Giving of the Torah.

Shavuot, one of the three pilgrimage festival holidays, celebrates the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai and the harvest of First Fruits, Yom haBikkurim.

The chag falls on the sixth and seventh days of the Hebrew month of Sivan. (The festival is observed only on the sixth of Sivan in Israel.) Like Sukkot and Passover, Shavuot is a multi-dimensional holiday, embracing profound historical, spiritual, and agricultural aspects.


Click on player below to see a special message from Rabbi Mauricio Balter. (with subtitles in English)

Find Tikkunei Leil Shavuot across our global movement and celebrate the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. Click here to find a celebration in your region.






📄 Shavouot, une respiration spirituelle • Commentaires autour de la fête de Shavouot et du livre de Ruth. | Massorti France

📄 L’été en pente douce • Célébrée sept semaines après Pessah et placée sous le signe de l’étude, la fête de Chavouot est une des plus discrètes du calendrier juif. Faut-il le regretter ou au contraire s’en réjouir? | Massorti France

📄 Chavouot chez toi! • Les conseils du rabbin Josh Weiner pour célébrer Chavouot à la maison. | Adath Shalom Congregation (Paris, France)



🎞 Shavuot: The Wheat Harvest • In honor of Shavuot, this short film traces the story of wheat – from 11,000-year-old grains, through the biblical meeting of Ruth and Boaz, to the bounteous harvest in a 20th-century painting by Nahum Gutman. (with English subtitles) | The Israel Museum YouTube Channel



📄 Shavuot: la revelación en la piedra • "Shavuot es la fiesta de las semanas, siete ciclos de siete días, siete estaciones en el tiempo. Tiempo que contamos cuidadosamente desde que se nos entregó la libertad, libertad física de los que nos esclavizaban y sometían. Y luego de la salida, un tiempo para reconocer y decidir liberarse de lo que internamente nos explota y nos silencia. Dos libertades, que se funden en el tiempo y se coronan con la entrega de las tablas de la alianza." | Kehilá Beit Emunáh (Asturias, Spain)

🎞 Los frutos de la reconciliación. El lado B de las primicias de Shavuot | Comunidad Judía Masorti Bet-El (Madrid, Spain)



📄 Shavuot • "Shavuot firas sju veckor (50 dagar) efter pesach och varar i två dagar. Shavuot kallas därför på svenska ofta "veckofesten", på engelska kallas den för Pentecost (efter grekiskan för "Femtio". Vi börjar räkna dagarna fram tills shavuot från och med pesach, detta kallas "sefirat haOmer", omerräkningen." | The Great Synagogue of Stockholm (Stockholm, Sweden)

📄 Shavout-guide för familjer | The Great Synagogue of Stockholm (Stockholm, Sweden)

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