Resources from around the world in different languages about the day we celebrate the Jewish New Year and all the opportunities that a new year can bring.
See below the messages from Rabbi Mauricio Balter, who shares with us three recommendations on how we can incorporate the message of Rosh Hashanah in a more meaningful way (in Spanish with English subtitles); and from Masorti Europe, Masorti AmLat, our Abayudaya congregations in Uganda and Kenya, and Emanuel Synagogue, Sydney, Australia. (click the YouTube logo to see subtitles options)
đ High Holiday Reader 5785: Not A Mahzor âą No season gathers the Jewish people together like the Yamim Noraim, the Days of Awe, the High Holiday season. Jews of all stripes find themselves sitting in congregations, at meals, and spending time together during this particular time of the year.Â
This year (2024/5785), is unique and challenging in its own ways. We are honored to publish a High Holiday Reader to help you prepare, reflect, and make this season meaningful.
â±â± Click here to download the file.
đ From Exploring Judaism
đ High Holidays Prayer Supplement 5785 âą Our friends at the Shechter Institutes, Masorti Movement in Israel, Rabbinical Assembly in Israel, and Schechter Rabbinical Seminary prepared a special supplement with prayers and thoughts for the High Holidays, Sukkot and Simchat Torah 5785 in the shadow of the October War.
â±â± Click here to download the file.
đ From Shechter Institutes
đ High Holiday Liturgy: Making Meaning from the Metaphors for God âą "The traditional liturgy of the High Holidays does not always feel easy to connect to or relevant. The language may not resonate with our understanding of how the world works, and approaching the God-heavy text can be daunting if weâre not even sure we believe in God.âŻÂ
Even for those who do consider themselves to be believers, the idea of a male deity who sits on a throne determining our fate for the next year may not accord with our views of The Divine".
â±â± Keep reading
đ From Exploring Judaism
đ Netzach and Hod (Rosh Hashanah) âą "(Adapted from Rabbi Friedsonâs 5784 Rosh Hashanah sermon.) In 1989, an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened Armenia, killing over thirty thousand people in less than four minutes.
Moments after the deadly tremor ceased, a father raced to the local elementary school to find his son. When he arrived, he saw that the building had been leveled. Looking at the mass of stones and rubble, he remembered a promise he had made to his child: 'No matter what happens, Iâll always be there for you.' Tears filled his eyes. Looking at the pile of debris that had once been a school, it seemed hopeless".
â±â± Keep reading
đ From Exploring Judaism
Hadech Yamenou est le nouveau émission culturelle de la congrégation Adath Shalom à Paris. Animée par le journaliste Antoine Mercier et le rabbin Rivon Krygier, l'émission partage un moment de réflexion, d'échange et d'étude autour de questions de société, de sujets en débat, d'étude de la tradition juive dans une approche moderne.
đ From Adath Shalom (Paris, France)
 Quel est le principal commandement de la fĂȘte de Rosh Hashana? 4 minutes pour comprendre ce qu'est un Shofar et pourquoi nous l'utilisons Ă Rosh Hashana.
đ From Adath Shalom (Paris, France)
ÂTout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur la sonnerie du Chofar, sans jamais avoir osĂ© le demander ! Retrouvez la vidĂ©o de notre ami Binyamin Machado.
đ From Maayane Or (Nice, France)
đ Die vier Daten und drei Namen von Rosch Haschana âą "Rosch Haschana, der Anfang des jĂŒdischen Jahres, ist einerseits ein Jahresanfang, so wie es viele gibt, und andererseits etwas ganz besonderes. Jede Kultur hat einen Kalender â man könnte fast sagen, ohne Kalender, ohne eine Zeitorientierung kann es keine Kultur geben."
Klicken Sie hier, um den Artikel von Rabbinerin Gesa Ederberg von der Synagoge Oranienburger StraĂe in Berlin zu lesen.
đ From Synagoge Oranienburger StraĂe (Berlin, Germany)
Rabinos e chazanim das comunidades Lamroth Hakol e Centro UniĂłn Israelita de CĂłrdoba (Argentina), Comunidade Shalom (Brasil), CĂrculo Israelita de Santiago (Chile), Comunidad Bet El (MĂ©xico) e Beth Torah (USA) se uniram para compartilhar uma mensagem especial de Rosh HashanĂĄ.
Com legendas em portuguĂȘs e espanhol.
đ From Comunidade Shalom (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
đ Besök Judiska Församlingen i Stockholms specialsidor om Rosh Hashanah och Yom Kippur för att hitta information om chagim och en kort Rosh Hashanah-guide pĂ„ svenska för familjer.
đ From Judiska församlingen i Stockholm (Stockholm, Sweden)
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