Purim is a joyous holiday that celebrates Jewish survival and continuity. Find valuable resources in different languages below.
Purim is one of the most celebratory holidays in the Jewish calendar. On this holiday we read the book of Esther, Megillat Esther, celebrate with food, gifts, and constumes.
In 2025 Purim begins in the evening on Thursday, March 13, 2025, through Friday, March 14, 2025.
As we celebrate Purim, we cannot ignore the striking parallels between the story of Esther and the challenges we face today.
Watch the video of Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin, President of the Schechter Institutes, and discover three powerful connections between the Purim story and our present reality.
📄 Learn 16 facts about Purim and the Book of Esther, including the language and the context of the megillah in the Tanakh.
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📄 Purim is celebrated with days of feasting and merrymaking, and occasion for sending gifts to one another and gifts for the poor.
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📄 Purim is the perfect time to add some whimsy and shenanigans to your celebration. It is okay to be silly with these activities!
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📄 "In marketing, we call it a push/pull strategy. The “push” is sending out a message and hoping it resonates enough to achieve a stated goal; the “pull” is drawing people in toward that objective with content that is pleasing.
And in the story of Purim, which we’ve just finished reading and which is course playing itself out today in a very modern way, we find both.
The objective in this case is fighting antisemitism."
📄 "The book of Esther is one of only two books in the Hebrew Bible named for a woman.
Esther is the heroine of this book, but she is an unlikely leader: an orphan, a somewhat assimilated Jew, chosen for her appearance, rather than her strength of character, as company for the king. In most societies, even today, it would be rare for such a woman to be raised up into the highest echelons of leadership."
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📑 Text, transliteration, and translation of popular songs for Purim.
🎞 Shechter scholars Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin, Rabbi Prof. David Frankel, Dr. Gila Vachman, and Rabbi Matthew Berkowitz investigate the Purim Experience.
❱❱ Click here to watch the video
🎞 How did the Greeks view Esther….You might be surprised!
There are numerous additions to the Book of Esther in the Septuagint, the Biblical Greek translation from prior to the Common Era (CE). Schechter’s Dr. Etka Liebowitz delves into one of these ‘extras’ relating to Esther’s qualities.
❱❱ Click here to watch the video
📄 " 8] Then Mordecai prayed to God, calling to remembrance all the works of God… 17] 'Hear my prayer and have mercy upon your inheritance; turn our mourning into feasting that we may live and sing praise to your name, O God; do not destroy the lips of those who praise you.'
If you know the book of Esther well, these verses should surprise you. After all, the Megillah that we read on Purim is famous for never mentioning God explicitly."
❱❱ Read the article by Rabbi Roni Tabick
📄 "On Purim itself, we read from Shemot 17:14-16, in which Moses is commanded to ‘Inscribe this in a document as a reminder, and read it aloud to Joshua: I will utterly blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven…The Lord will be at war with Amalek throughout the ages.’
But why such vitriol against this particular nation? And what is the connection with Purim?"
❱❱ Read the article by Chazan Rebecca Blumenfeld
📄 Les Mitsvot de Pourim sont toutes instaurées par les rabbins, cette fête n’ayant pas d’existence dans la Tora écrite.
📄 Talmud Meguila. Etude hebdomadaire du traité Meguila (sur Pourim et le rapport au livre) commencée en janvier 2019 dans le cadre de DorVador par le rabbin Yeshaya Dalsace.
📄 "La folie de Pourim dure une nuit et un jour. La journée devrait être le point culminant de l’expérience, avec toute une abondance de choses à boire et à manger, et de joie, qui coulent partout. En réalité, en dehors d’Israël, la plupart des Juifs doivent travailler pendant la journée. La célébration de Pourim, si elle a lieu, se déroule le soir à la synagogue et le lendemain, c’est le travail, comme d’habitude (peut-être avec une gueule de bois !). Que peut-on faire pour rendre le jour de Pourim plus significatif ?"
📄 "Le peintre hollandais Ferdinand Bol (1616-1680), élève de Rembrandt, nous offre une très belle interprétation de la conversation entre Mordekhaï et la reine Esther. Nous sommes au quatrième chapitre de la méguilah, la tension dramatique augmente régulièrement, Mordekhaï avertit Esther du danger qu’encourent les juifs et lui demande d’intervenir."
👀 De comer Oznei Haman a ouvir a leitura da Meguilá Ester, Purim é uma festa cheia de significados. Confira cinco fatos interessantes sobre o chag.
🎧 Neste episódio do podcast conduzido por Theo Hotz, estudante do Seminário Rabínico Schechter e membro do rabinato da Congregação Israelita Paulista, em São Paulo, e Ângela Goldstein, eles conversam sobre a festa de Purim, que tem como protagonista a rainha Esther e como antagonista o "grão-vizir" Haman, considerado o primeiro antissemita (ou seria antijudeu?) que se tem notícia.
📑 Cuadernillo de Purim de Masorti Amlat con la Asamblea Rabínica Latinoamericana, el Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano, NOAM Olami y Marom con tefilot, costumbres, textos, halajot y la Meguilat Esther.
📑 El Movimiento Masorti, representado por el Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano, la Asamblea Rabínica Latinoamericana, Masorti Olami, Mercaz, NOAM y Marom se complace en presentar a la comunidad hispanoparlante una nueva edición del Libro de Ester - Meguilat Ester. Con una nueva traducción y con los comentarios del Rabino Manes Kogan, esta edición también presenta las ilustraciones de manos de Paio Zuloaga.
🎧 Purim, la fiesta donde el milagro de su identidad salva al pueblo de Israel, es un momento especial para reconciliarnos con nuestra identidad judía y dejarla florecer.
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