Find resources in different languages about the Festival of Lights, when we celebrate the miracle of the oil and the rededication of the Temple, as well as the triumph of light over darkness.
The main mitzvah of Hanukkah, which in 2024 begins on the evening of Wednesday, December 25, and continues until Thursday, January 2nd, is lighting the menorah at home and in the synagogue. Click here to view Explore Judaism's infographic on how to light Hanukkah candles.
Schechter Institute’s Zooming into Hanukkah webinar discussed what exactly we celebrate on Hanukkah, how and why Hanukkah has been observed by world leaders, and the origins of the menorah.
Zooming into Hanukkah is part of #ShavuaTovAtSchechter, that presents each week a new and timely video with insights on the weekly Torah reading from the distinguished faculty of the Schechter Institutes in Jerusalem.
"Although some refer to Hanukkah and Purim as minor festivals because the laws regarding the prohibition of labor on festivals do not apply, both are significant in their own right and both have won a special place in the hearts of the Jewish people. (...)
But the fact is that Hanukkah has fared well in contemporary times for reasons unrelated to its traditional place in the pecking order of Jewish festivals."
"Some, noting that the Ḥanukkah candelabrum has nine branches and wishing to distinguish it from the seven-branched menorah that stood in the Temple, refer to the former as a ḥanukkiyyah instead. (...)
Some prefer to light one menorah for the entire family, while others prefer having each member of the family light a separate menorah. "
"Elevate your Hanukkah candle lighting with these spiritual intentions. When the nights are dark, we are reminded about the powerful message of Hanukkah: to lift up the light and see that light in one another.
We invite you to let these intentions inspire you. Recite one or more each night, or read the same every night before you light the candles."
Relax and unwind with RA's playlist of Jewish Restorative Music. The Rabbinical Assembly has compiled a playlist of popular American Jewish tunes, modern Israeli tunes, and niggunim, to help give you a burst of inspiration during this Hanukkah season and beyond.
Nouvel Épisode de notre émission Hadech Yamenou avec Mireille Hadas-Lebel « La Révolte Des Maccabées »
Une émission animée par le journaliste Antoine Mercier et le rabbin Rivon Krygier. Toutes les deux semaines, partagez un moment de réflexion, d’échange et d’étude autour des questions de société, de sujets en débat, d’étude de la tradition juive dans une approche moderne.
Rabbin Josh Weiner de la Synagogue Adath Shalom à Paris a eu l'idée d'utiliser le Kitzur Shulchan Aruch comme déclencheur pour consigner toutes ses réflexions sur la pratique de Hanoukka.
Pourquoi a-t-il choisi un texte hongrois ultra-orthodoxe du XIXe siècle pour s'adresser à sa communauté parisienne égalitaire du XXIe siècle ? Il a expliqué que d'une manière ou d'une autre, cela lui semblait juste.
Masorti AmLat comparte un regalo especial: un archivo PDF listo para imprimir con las berajot del encendido de velas y las tefilot de Janucá.
La rabina Judy Nowominski, presidenta de la Asamblea Rabínica Latinoamericana y decana del Instituto de Formación Rabínica A. J. Heschel, explica cómo se crea la luz y su conexión con Hanukkah en este video de Exploring Judaism con subtítulos en inglés.
🎞 Haga click para ver el video
No décimo sexto episódio, Theo Hotz e Ângela Goldstein explicam a origem da festa chamada, também, de "o milagre das luzes", por que comemos donuts para comemorar o chag e, principalmente, por que ela NÃO deve ser comparada ao Natal, ainda que as datas sejam próximas.
Los dos episodios realizados por el Rabino Meir Szames para el podcast del Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano explican qué es Janucá y como es su tefilá.
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