EMSĀ seeks to approach Judaism in accordance with Halakha, combining traditional Judaism with a modern understanding of religious thought and practice.
Our services are davened in the traditional way, men daven and women are invited to leyn. All members are encouraged to participate.
Services are held in our synagogue at 6.30pm every Friday evening and at 9.15am every Shabbat morning, (at 7.00am on Rosh Hodesh); and of course on festivals and High Holy Days.
T: (+44) 2089054096
Stream Lane
Edgware HA8 7YA
United Kingdom
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We are Masorti Olami, the official International Movement of Masorti/Conservative Judaism, based in Jerusalem, Israel.
Masorti Olami
32 General Pierre Koenig, 4th Floor
Jerusalem 93469, Israel
E: mail@masortiolami.org
T: +972 (2) 624-7106