Leeds Masorti is an egalitarian traditional minyan in Leeds (UK). This means that the services and levels of observance will be familiar to those who are Orthodox, and also, we have mixed gender seating and service leadership. We are associated with the Assembly of Masorti Synagogues, and are part of the global Conservative Judaism movement. We meet regularly to daven, celebrate and learn together in a spirit of open-mindedness.
Many of our members are also members one of the Orthodox shuls or the Reform shul in Leeds. We are a community made up of people whose families have been in Leeds for generations as well as many people from around the world. We value life-long learning, building relationships across generations, feeling like a family, being inclusive and working together to create meaningful celebrations and services. We attend to the life-cycle needs of our members and care very much about what each individual is seeking. Everyone matters and is needed.
Leeds Masorti gathers approximately 2-3 times per month for Shabbat, festivals, social gatherings, life-cycle events and meetings
Leeds Masorti - Judaism where everyone counts.
T: (+44) 2089054096
Co-Chair Bill Kunin
Leeds, LS1 3AD
United Kingdom
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We are Masorti Olami, the official International Movement of Masorti/Conservative Judaism, based in Jerusalem, Israel.
Masorti Olami
32 General Pierre Koenig, 4th Floor
Jerusalem 93469, Israel
E: mail@masortiolami.org
T: +972 (2) 624-7106