Masorti Olami are excited and proud to partner with Repair the Sea – Tikkun HaYam for the 7th annual Reverse Tashlich, the International Jewish Waterfront Cleanup.
Tashlich is the tradition on Rosh HaShanah of going to a body of water and symbolically casting off our sins to enter the New Year with a clean heart. Reverse Tashlich was created by Repair the Sea, and reverses the process: instead of casting our sins into the water, it's about removing human “sin” from the water, in the form of plastic and other debris.
The 7th annual Reverse Tashlich is scheduled for Sunday, September 29, and we invite all our communities to join this impactful project! Last year, over 4,000 individuals in 23 countries on 6 continents removed approximately 23,000 pounds (over 10,000 kg) of debris from waterfront locations where they live.
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We are Masorti Olami, the official International Movement of Masorti/Conservative Judaism, based in Jerusalem, Israel.
Masorti Olami
32 General Pierre Koenig, 4th Floor
Jerusalem 93469, Israel
T: +972 (2) 624-7106